Level 1
A Trusted
Source of Hope

Monthly Meals for Every Foster Family

We rely on our partnerships with local churches to not only distribute meals but to become a church home for local foster families. Want to get your church or organization involved?

Help a vulnerable child now

Take meaningful action on the platform that’s connecting the largest network of caring people to meet the needs of kids and families in crisis.

Breakfast With Santa

This is a huge annual shared-family experience for all foster families in the Circuit-1 area. We host this one-of-a-kind event where the kids find, wrap and give gifts to their foster parents to say “thank you” for all their kindness. Then, all the fun begins! You don’t want to miss this event.

Orphan Sunday

It’s coming! This year’s Orphan Sunday and Stand Sunday – and now Pure Religion Sunday – November 10, 2024. We know you are excited and anticipating all God will do in your church and community this year and beyond.

Make a Contribution

If you want to make a contribution to FC Outreach, 100% of the funds will go to bless families in the Circuit-1 area.

FC Outreach is a U.S. tax-exempt 501 (c) (3) organization.  EIN: 93-378651

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